Services Offered by the Society of Archbishop Justus |
The Society
of Archbishop Justus operates a server in London, England,
two Internet servers in Palo Alto, California USA, and another in Princeton,
New Jersey, USA. Our computers host the Anglican-related web sites listed below
and numerous others that are not public.
We also run
a collection of Anglican-related electronic
mailing lists. Most of these are open to public subscription.
Anglican Communion has 35 provinces and four member churches in more than 165 countries. The
Society of Archbishop Justus operates the domain ANGLICAN.ORG;
subdomains are delegated to each member church and province and diocese
and religious order that is prepared to use them.
Associations, Organisations, and Societies
- Anglican Priests Eucharistic League
- Anglican-Roman Catholic Theological Consultation in the United States of America (ARCUSA)
- The Anglican Society
- Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament (USA)
- Lutheran Episcopal Coordinating Committee
- Moravian Episcopal Coordinating Committee
Anglican Communion primary source materials or reference documents
- Anglican resource collection:
a collection of primary source materials.
-, Project Canterbury
Dioceses or Provinces of
the Anglican Communion
- Diocese of Barbados
- Diocese of Belize
- Diocese of Caledonia
- Diocese of Edmonton
- Diocese of El Salvador
- Diocese of Ely
- Diocese of Guildford
- Diocese of Lake Malawi
- Diocese of Montreal
- Diocese of Peru
- Diocese of Port Moresby
- 手机怎么连接外国网
- Diocese of Rochester
- Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich
- Diocese of Saskatoon
- Diocese of South Western Brazil
- Diocese of The Murray
- Diocese of Trinidad and Tobago
- Diocese of Truro
- 怎么连接外国网络软件
- 国外网站打不开怎么办? - PC下载网—官方软件下载大全|绿色 ...:2021-4-25 · 1 14岁男孩被逮捕 原因竟然是写出了一个比特币勒索病毒! 2 网易手游《终结者2》开启双端测试 支持的机型大增! 3 顺丰快递一快递员趁大人不在家猥亵16岁少女! 4 发布《滴滴已死》文章公众号被滴滴索赔165万 无良自媒体颤抖吧! 5 全球首个“无现金国家”诞生 不是中国啊,你猜是哪里?
- Episcopal Church in Cuba
- Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East
- Anglicans Online, the weekly magazine
of the Anglican Communion
- Daily Prayer, from the Church of England
- The Gospel and our Culture
Religious orders in the Anglican Communion
- Melanesian Brothers
- Society of Saint Francis (European
This document
was last updated 11 July 2018.
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